As you age, you may notice subtle changes to your teeth and the way you look. At Sunrise Centre Dental, we want to keep your smile looking beautiful throughout the years. Let’s take a look at the most common changes you can expect with age, and how our treatment services can make a difference!
Common Changes
Through years of wear and tear, the colour of your teeth will start to change, and is typically one of the first signs of an aging smile. As the outer thick layer of enamel thins, the inside soft tissue called “dentin” will start to become more visible. This layer will often appear yellow, or brown, and can vastly change the brightness of your smile.
Another common change our patients see is shifting of the teeth. As you age, you lose bone mass in your upper jaw, and your lower jaw will start to sit more forward. These changes can result in less space in your mouth, and can shift or push your teeth together to create a crowded look.
How Can We Help?
We offer a variety of treatments to help you conquer your aging smile. One of our go-to treatments is porcelain veneers. This is done by having a thin layer of shell attached to the front of every tooth and is a customized treatment for every patient. For those who are seeing a change in brightness in their smile, we offer a great service of teeth whitening. This in-day procedure is quick and painless and can give you the re-fresh your smile is looking for!
Come Visit Us In Huntsville!
Drs. John & Sharon Koncan, and our wonderful team would love to meet you! We offer a variety of treatments including professional cleanings, TMD therapy, wisdom tooth extraction and more! Call us at 705-789-2369 to book your consultation today. We can’t wait to meet you, and give you a smile you can be proud of for the years to come!